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Calling All Cars! MAS Visitor Attempting to Pat the Bunny!

Excerpts from the new Memphis Animal Services (MAS) policy manual, which no one has ever seen as far as I know:

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MAS Minder: Don’t touch the the puppy, Disease Spreader.

Adopter: Does MAS vaccinate all pets upon intake in order to reduce the spread of disease per standard shelter protocols?

MAS Minder: Supervisor! I got a combative one here!

(click to enlarge image)

Adopter: Thank you for showing me these 30 dogs. There are a couple I’d like to come back to spend time with after I see the other 300 dogs.

MAS Minder: Your 10 minutes are up. There’s the door.

Adopter: Oh! Could I at least pet one of the animals I’m interested in adopting, if I do it quickly?

MAS Minder: Supervisor!  Disease Spreader becoming aggressive at Kennel 23!

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