KY: Follow Ups on Bugsy and Copper

I recently mentioned this story:  Williamsburg, KY residents wanted to help a friendly dog who was roaming.  They called animal control thinking the dog, called Bugsy, would be rescued, given a bath, cared for and adopted out.  Instead AC responded to the call and shot the dog to death.

Follow up:  On Monday of last week, the county announced the animal control officer who killed Bugsy instead of helping him will be disciplined.  (No specifics were reported.)

On Friday, some local residents protested the heartless killing:

People showed up at the Whitley County Courthouse in Williamsburg Friday morning, walking around with signs and demanding change, following the incident.


People at Friday’s rally say they hope Whitley Judge-Executive Pat White will hear their message, and appoint a new animal control officer.


Copper is the Shiba Inu who was lost and turned in to the Franklin Co HS only to be rejected by the shelter manager on the grounds that they don’t take coyotes.  The shelter manager has now resigned.

2 thoughts on “KY: Follow Ups on Bugsy and Copper

  1. I hope the public will continue to take an interest in what is happening at their shelters with the money they are paying to support.

  2. i’m still LMFAO about that whole coyote thing (not the dog being set loose, but the misidentification). I mean, a fox maybe. But coyotes are freaking huge- and shibas are not

    Speaking of foxes, we had a woman report to us that her domesticated Fox had gone missing. Good luck with that lady- i see a fox approach me, i’m thinking rabies

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