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Can Anything Be Done about This Freak?

Paul Zhang has admitted to trapping dozens of cats in Queens and Brooklyn recently, taking them to three different vets to be killed.  Mr. Zhang says they are feral colony cats he’s been feeding and now that he’s moved to a new location, is doing them the “kindness” of killing them.

“I can’t bear the thought of my animals getting out or being abandoned,” Zhang explains. “So I did the best thing I can consider: For them to never experience any suffering. So I put them all down. Because I also think Animal Care and Control does shit adoptions. I’m sorry, I’m a little prejudiced but I’ve seen the people that come in to adopt there and I would never let my cats go with them.”

I’m sorry you’re a little prejudiced too.  But not half as sorry as I’m sure your feline victims are.

At least one of the cats he trapped and had killed at a vet’s office was someone’s pet cat named Anthony.  The clinic where Mr. Zhang says he had Anthony and several other cats killed is Antelyes Animal Hospital which says:

We did euthanize several cats for him, believing that we were doing the right thing. […] After that we told him we will not help him anymore and to find another vet. He threatened to drown the cats at home. This when his true sick nature was finally displayed to us. We deeply regret that we even helped him for a short time.

And by “helped him”, the clinic means “killed cats”.  It sounds like if Mr. Zhang hadn’t made the drowning threat, the vet would still be pocketing the checks and killing cats.

Can’t the Mayor’s Alliance do something?

[T]he Mayor’s Alliance, for which he says he has helped TNR (trap-neuter-return) thousands of cats, has demanded he return the traps they gave him.

Uh – I guess I should say, can’t they do something meaningful?

ASPCA – this guy is rounding up cats and having them killed in your backyard.  Where are you?

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