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Updated: Your Rights as a U.S. Citizen Who Owns Pets

Although this information, which I posted on Facebook yesterday, is directed at dog owners in Sikeston, MO where authorities are rounding up dogs based on body shape, it could potentially apply to any pet owner, anywhere, anytime.

Dog owners in Sikeston, MO – keep your doors locked. Do not answer the door if AC knocks. Do not give them permission to come into your home. If they do not have your permission, they have to get a search warrant. Make them get one. This is a travesty.

Lisa from Hospets shared info from this link that has been widely circulated on the net and tells pet owners exactly what to do and what not to do when AC knocks on your door – whether you live in a BSL area or not.  It’s good to review this document periodically to remind yourself of your rights and how to best protect yourself and your pets.

To that excellent list I would add that when AC is conducting illegal seizures under BSL, no dog owner should assume he is safe because his dog is not a Pitbull (or whatever “breed” they are targeting). It may be obvious to the owner that the dog is not a Pitbull but the owner’s opinion will not count. Keep the door locked.

Many people are understandably outraged at the illegal seizure of pets from law abiding citizens.  Some have made extreme suggestions such as moving or physically resisting and many have drawn comparisons to Nazi Germany.  People in Sikeston don’t need to flee or resort to violence. They need to stand up, speak up and refuse to shut up until someone in a position to stop this madness listens.  It’s important to remember that Hitler counted on the masses to do what people in uniform told them to do – even if they believed it was ethically wrong, unfair and/or illegal. By and large they did and this was a key component in his rise to power.  Compassionate, reasonable people always outnumber ignorant sadists. They just tend to keep quiet.

AddedKC Dog Blog has posted an update on the situation in Sikeston.  It sounds as if authorities are backing down.

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