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KY Pound Leaves Five Dogs to Die in the Heat

A dog listed on the website for the McCracken Co pound in KY.
A dog pictured on the website for the McCracken Co pound in KY.

After employees at the McCracken Co Humane Society in KY were found guilty of animal cruelty in 2012, the county severed ties with the organization and has been operating the pound on its own.  On its website, McCracken Co promises to shelter animals in need “until such time as they are redeemed, adopted or humanely dealt with.” (It’s swell that mafia overtones mesh so well with kill shelter-speak.)

Last Monday morning, 5 dogs were found dead at the pound.  The pound is closed on Sundays.  The McCracken Co sheriff’s office sent a detective to the scene to determine if foul play was involved.  The dead dogs were sent to a university vet center for necropsy.

Preliminary necropsy results released Wednesday indicated the dogs died of heat stroke.  Toxicology results are not yet back but assuming they are negative and no poison is found in the dead dogs, it sounds as if the sheriff’s office is ready to file the agonizing and needless deaths of 5 dogs under meh:

If toxicology results are clear, the department’s preliminary investigation would probably end, since there would be no indication of intent to harm the animals.

It’s only summer in Kentucky.  Who knew that dogs needed shade and water in order to survive?  Not the county.  Plus the place is closed on Sundays so:  humanely dealt with FTW!

But wait, there’s more:  McCracken Co is considering re-establishing an agreement with the HS to run the pound again.  On the one hand, animal cruelty convictions, on the other, malignant neglect ignored by the police.  Geez, so hard to pick just one.  Why not simply hang an Animal Abusers Welcome sign on the front door?

(Thanks Devry for sending me this story.)

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