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Weekend Jade

After 6 weeks of rest (loosely defined more recently as keeping her to a dull roar) to heal injuries sustained when a truck ran over her, Jade had her first non-emergency vet appointment on Friday.  She got vaccinated and had some blood work done (all normal and heartworm negative).  But the main attraction was determining how well her fractured pelvis had healed.  I brought my vet an image of the x-ray taken at the emergency clinic on the day of the accident and she found 3 fractures on it (I had only been advised of 2 at the time).  She did a physical exam and took a new x-ray.  This is a photo of that x-ray:

My vet explained that, while her fractures had healed, she had (and I’m paraphrasing here) healed crooked. Specifically, the ball of the right hip was no longer sitting as it should in the socket.  I remember the emergency vet had warned me about the possibility that she may not heal as good as new so although I was prepared, I admit I had been hoping to hear that everything was perfect.  My vet said it’s possible she might go through life just fine, simply managing the right hip condition as-is or she may require a femoral head ostectomy at some point.  I will monitor her for any signs of pain, particularly on that right side.  But the very good news was that the vet gave the all-clear to let Jade rough house, run wild and generally act like a normal 9 month old pitbull puppy.

This weekend, Jade got to play with Schroeder, the dog closest to her in age here at home, whom she has been playing bitey face with through baby gates and across barriers for the past several weeks.  This was her first time off leash in the large part of the yard and her first time being able to play with another dog.

Thank you again to everyone who donated to help pay for Jade’s care.  She has an appointment to be spayed and chipped next month and thanks to your generous donations, I’ve already paid for that.  Between now and then, she will definitely be enjoying more running wild time with Schroeder.

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