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Be Seeing You, Wendy

Wendy was diagnosed with kidney failure in May and, though she did very well all summer, she declined rapidly over the past week and it was time to let her go.  I held her in my lap as our vet gave her the injections and the last thing Wendy felt in this world was a kiss from Billy.  We only had her for 3 and a half years and wish it could have been much longer but we are so thankful for the time she was with us.

Wendy was a very calming presence in our home, so much that Billy sometimes called her Zendy.  She loved to eat and to sleep, which made us kindred spirits, and she was the only dog I’ve ever known to fake sleep by squeezing her eyes shut when she was clearly awake but didn’t want to be bothered in her bed.  I miss her dear heart already.

This snippet of her playing ball, taken earlier this year, makes me happy:


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