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More Vintage Flatcoated Retrievers

Source: Stables, G. (c. 1890s). Our friend the dog. New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company
Another depiction of Darenth, here described as a wavy-coated retriever.
Source: Mills, W. (1895). The dog in health and in disease. New York: D. Appleton
Grouse hunting photo printed in Country Life, October 26, 1901.
Source: Anon. (1902, April 5). The flat-coated retriever Champion Wimpole Peter. Country Life, p. 442
Source: Anon. (1902, May 10). Mr. L. Allen Shuter’s flat-coated retrievers. Country Life, pp. 590-591
At the annual trials put on by The Retriever Society in England. From Country Life, November 1902
On a partridge drive in England, from Country Life, November 22, 1902.
A duck hunt in Country Life, December 6, 1902
Source: Animal life and the world of nature: a magazine of natural history throughout the world, Volume I, July 1902 – June 1903
Country Life, August 22, 1903
Country Life, September 5, 1903
At a field trial put on by the International Gun-dog League, pictured in Country Life, October 31, 1903
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