Treats on the Internets

What No Kill Can Mean to a Dog – Check out the story of one adopted dog and his pals still waiting for Mr. and/or Ms. Right Owner.  I love this post!

Best Friends Animal Society has issued a statement on the shelter in Hinckley, Utah which allegedly shoots pets after a 72 hour hold, although not always dead

The Planning Commission of Clarke County, Virginia was scheduled to hold a public hearing yesterday regarding amendments to the zoning ordinance.  In reading the language of the amendments, it sounds like anyone who has 5 or more adult cats and/or dogs would need a business license and be designated as a commercial establishment.

Former pet shop manager in Bel Air, CA who used to sell puppies from puppy mills now sells shelter dogs.  She sold 200 her first year.

One Bark at a Time reports that many of the remaining animals at the Toronto Humane Society (THS) have found homes, at least for the time THS will be closed.  This dog is still looking for a human friend to help out.

Authorities in Adams Co Ohio are asking Veterinarians and the general public to help with the care of dozens of dogs seized from deplorable living conditions in two area homes.

Pitbull Positive Show is an online chat show about responsible Pitbull ownership

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