Take Action in Support of Pets in Memphis

Please join our letter writing campaign.

No matter where you live, you can make your concerns about the shelter known to the following individuals:

Mayor Wharton: ac.wharton@memphistn.gov
Janet Hooks, Director, Public Services and Neighborhoods: janet.hooks@memphistn.gov
Matthew Pepper, Director, Memphis Animal Services: matthew.pepper@memphistn.gov
Cindy Sanders, MAS Advisory Board sanders127@yahoo.com
Jackie Johns, MAS Advisory Board jjohns25@hotmail.com
Allen Iskiwitz, MAS Advisory Board allensribs@aol.com

A copy/paste collection of the e-mail addresses:

ac.wharton@memphistn.gov, janet.hooks@memphistn.gov, matthew.pepper@memphistn.gov, sanders127@yahoo.com, jjohns25@hotmail.com, allensribs@aol.com

Keep your letters succinct and respectful. Let the city leaders know that people from all over are condemning what is going on at MAS.  Remind them there is a viable alternative:  make Memphis a no kill community.  Include a link to this primer on no kill.

Please use your voice to speak for all the pets at MAS – living and dead.  Share this info with the many caring pet owners you know so that they can write letters too.

If you are in the Memphis area, please attend the monthly Memphis Animal Services Advisory Board meetings:

All meetings are held on Wednesday evenings at the Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library located at 3030 Poplar Avenue, 38111 in meeting room A from 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM.

The next meeting is scheduled for tomorrow – Wednesday, April 13.

Memphis area residents can show up with a plan to speak at the meeting or just sit and listen.  You can make a protest sign to support the pets at the shelter if you wish.  The idea is to let the city know that the people of Memphis do care about their community’s pets, despite what shelter officials and the Mayor say.

  • Demand better care for pets at the shelter – including vaccination upon intake across the board and standard, humane cleaning practices to prevent disease transmission.
  • A change in shelter leadership – leaders whose interest in saving all healthy/treatable pets will determine shelter policies and procedures
  • Share this no kill primer with everyone connected to the shelter.  You can e-mail the link or print out hard copies.

11 thoughts on “Take Action in Support of Pets in Memphis

  1. Does anyone know if the press in Memphis has been following this? I would like to think that these photos would cause a little unrest to the citizens of Memphis. I know if this was my local shelter I’d be all over the news getting the story out.

  2. I think WPTY-24, Jeni DiPrizio (great reporter)continues to cover MAS – I think THAT news station just DOES what they need to do to uncover the information and report it while the other news stations, for whatever reason, don’t think it that important. I can’t tell you how many times I have sent pictures and information about MAS to 4 news stations and only WPTY-24 has picked up on it…..I sure hope to see all of the media at the meeting tomorrow night!

    1. Channel 24 is the ONLY channel I have seen cover anything – really sad because I am NOT in the Memphis area and I KNOW that they are the ones to go to just because EVERY news story I see about the shelter is on 24. I tried checking on other stations to see if I could find more information and possibly find more info or more contacts to raise more awareness about what is going on at MAS. I can barely find things in newspapers, forget the TV – unless it is Channel 24. At this point I’d just love to see other stations pick up the story and run with it, but I have a feeling until something major (like a sit-in or protest of some kind) happens that the other stations are staying out of it. The story could definitely use more exposure to help raise awareness. It’s just unforunate that the other stations don’t find this story important enough…

  3. “but I have a feeling until something major (like a sit-in or protest of some kind) happens that the other stations are staying out of it”

    I would think that the on going killing of so many animals at this shelter is a good reason for local people that care to organize a sit-in or some kind of protest. Is anyone working on this?

    Also if you write letters/email please add if the shelter issues have caused you to not want to visit this city.

    1. I don’t know if No Kill Memphis has thought about organizing something like this. Haven’t been on FB for a while, but will get on there today and find out what is going on. If there is no mention of organizing something I will post something about it to see what’s going on. I am sure they are getting ready for tonight’s meeting – but when I hear back I’ll let you know what I find out.

  4. God bless all the scared babies that you all drug down the hall and killed and may He have mercy on your souls

    1. AMEN AMEN AMEN. Pray for the children of God.

      As for an organized action in Memphis (I will keep throwing out the idea of RESCUEMOM), remember that the Meek Shall Inherit Bubkus. (Bubkus: Yiddish for “sh*T”).

  5. It might be time to increase the email list.
    Now is the time to ADD the City Council to the equation.
    Send emails to those listed above AND the City Council members.
    If you are from outside Memphis, please let them know and say you will not visit Memphis until things change AND that you will tell your friends/groups/organizations not to visit here also.
    The threat of decreased tourist dollars matters.
    If possible attach some of the worst of the photos. Not the ones that we, as animal advocates, can tell what is wrong. Send the photos that easily show a non-animal person the cruelty. Dragging the box of puppies, cats left overnight with no food or water, etc.
    Below is a list of the City Council members. Please include them in your emails.

    And thank you to everyone that has joined us in our letter writing campaign.

    City Council

    Bill Boyd Bill.Boyd@memphistn.gov

    Bill Morrison bill.morrison@memphistn.gov

    Myron Lowery Myron.Lowery@memphistn.gov

    Janis Fullilove janis.fullilove@memphistn.gov

    Barbara Swearengen Ware swearengen.ware@memphistn.gov

    Harold Collins harold.collins@memphistn.gov

    Wanda Halbert wanda.halbert@memphistn.gov

    Joe Brown Joe.Brown@memphistn.gov

    Shea Flinn shea.flinn@memphistn.gov

    Kemp Conrad Kemp.Conrad@memphistn.gov

    Edmund Ford Jr. edmund.fordjr@memphistn.gov

    Reid Hedgepeth reid.hedgepeth@memphistn.gov

    Jim Strickland Jim.Strickland@memphistn.gov

  6. It is REALLY important that we up the letter writing campaign. I understand from an Adv. Bd. member that this is what they fear the most – that we will NOT go away, and that people from OUTSIDE MEMPHIS will learn of these atrocities. KEEP IT UP – xpost to animal-friends and now add the City Council as well!!! We are going to stop this!!! Thank you.

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