9 thoughts on “Open Thread

  1. I just want to say that I started taking photos of my local shelter cats this past week and writing up descriptions for them using Ann Brownell’s tips (as seen here on YesBiscuit). Well, yesterday, a family came in to see one of the cats specifically because of her photos/writeup (just posted that morning) and they adopted her! She was one of the many overlooked black cats who just needed a moment to shine for someone to appreciate her.

  2. What is wrong with this picture? Just received an email titled “Good Family, Good Pets, One will die tomorrow”. Yes one days notice. It goes on to ask for fosters and share this story http://www.lifelineanimal.org/lifeline-in-the-news/150-fosters-needed-urgently.Please read. Anyone else catch the racist line in the article? LIfeLine has done a fabulous job of lowering the kill rate since they took over FCAS and Dekalb, and are trying to assist the community in a multitude of ways. But one day notice and threatening to kill animals of families that have done everything right by their pets except being over the county pet limit and are trying to do the right thing albeit terrified of of AC for exactly the danger now posed to their beloved pets, isn’t a sufficient response from a no kill organization. Just in case those poor terrified babies from “a good family and that are good family pets” are still alive tomorrow please share this story, and contact LIfeLine if you can foster or adopt.

  3. Thank you Sassybrat1904!! I had a death in the family and the funeral was Sat. so I couldn’t go, so glad people are speaking out. It takes backbone in this neck of the woods so again, sincere thanks.

  4. I just read this comment on Nathan J. Winograd’s facebook wall re: Minnesota HF 391 – the Companion Animal Protection Act: (Date 2/21/14)
    Allan Valentine:
    “The Kill shelters are sadly misguided, or at worst, tools of the research companies who want a never ending supply of victims to torture. We had an animal control officer in our county in mid Michigan who was selling dogs to research, not even bringing them to the shelter, he was fortunatley caught and terminated but who knows how many dogs ended up as victims of research! Please pass this law! We show Sochi killing dogs and America begins pointing fingers, but isn’t it funny they do not know what is going on down the street in their own town???
    In my area, Pasco, Washington this has been going on since 4/16/03 with a contract
    between Tri-City Animal Control and Washington State University Veterinary School of Medicine – Pullman, Washington.


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