Shelter Director Positions Available

Liana Teague, manager at the Hernando Co, FL pound who killed a puppy for being unable to walk on a leash while being dragged, is out per a recent announcement at a public event:

The announcement was greeted with applause[.]


The new manager will still have to work under Public Safety Director Michael Nickerson, who isn’t exactly committed to the no kill philosophy.  But maybe there’s hope?:

While there is probably no chance of making the department a no-kill facility, there are ways to improve the euthanasia rate through better monitoring, he said. Nickerson also garnered applause when said he would explore tweaking the operating hours of the department, perhaps being open Saturdays.

Gee, ya think?

“We are not asking for a Cadillac operation,” Nickerson said. “Just a working Ford.”

If you think you can keep an old Ford running, apply within.


Also out is Gina Ford, director of the Humane Society of Central Texas, who sent this e-mail in response to a shelter volunteer’s query about why 2 dogs were killed when rescue was on the way:

“Congratulations Gail, you have managed to (expletive) me off for the last time. So thank you for the animals you’ve saved but you’re no longer needed here at the shelter.”

After the volunteer went public with her story, the shelter’s board advised Ms. Ford that she was no longer needed here at the shelter.

If you can maintain a modicum of professionalism in dealing with volunteers trying to help save pets, send in your resume!

10 thoughts on “Shelter Director Positions Available

  1. I continue to be astounded by the number of people who are positions where they work with animals when it is abundantly clear that they have no compassion, sensitivity or humanity. Why are they not working at Walmart or MacDonalds? Some of these people are even incapable of decent human interaction to the point where I question there psychological condition

  2. Hernando Co Animal Services in FL
    Visiting Hours
    Monday 10:30am – 5:30pm
    Tuesday – Friday 9:30am – 4:30pm
    Closed Saturday, Sunday, Holidays

    When do they expect people to adopt? People work during those hours. I hope the new director changes the hours.

  3. It’s nice to see these people finally removed from their positions. Hopefully (many) others will follow.

    Julia’s right – kill shelters both attract and make people like this. You cannot be of balanced mind and destroy life day after day. I’ve often wondered what the substance abuse rate is for kill shelter workers versus the rest of the population?

    Kill shelters are bad for people.

  4. Just realized how rip-roaring funny these 2 stories are when placed together!! The 1st available position says, “We are not asking for a Cadillac operation,” Nickerson said. “Just a working Ford.” Since Hernando Co, Fl is only seeking a working Ford … rofl!!

  5. Ummmm, better response that we got from the city of Hobbs who fired a worker for rescuing pets…. Still funny in a sad way. Not a Cadillac person? Do animals not deserve a Cadillac to have their best interests at heart? How did anyone get to be in charge of life or death decisions with animals who doesn’t understand that puppies don’t come with a gene that tells them how to walk on a leash???

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