22 thoughts on “Open Thread

    1. This is great! I think the Animal Advocates of Carroll Co. will be offering this to local biz owners, too. Thanks so much for sharing. The “Hard Napping” part is adorable. I guess you won’t mind if I steal that?

      1. This seems like a good idea but a lot of this depends on the area you are doing this in and what kind of store owner it is and what kind of clients come into the store. This is done often where I came from and the cats typically become unsocial. In one case a little child ripped the face right off of a cat. In another case the store owner decided all the cat needed was mice to eat. So I would go about this on a case by case basis.

      2. Lita, so what you’re saying is that the business owners should be screened just like any other applicants would be, and that children should be supervised around animals? Yeah, that makes sense. It doesn’t really change anything about the promotion though.

  1. I need suggestions please! 1 year ago I adopted an 11 month old Staffordshire Terrier. He’s adorable BUT scared of his own shadow which makes him a bit aggressive towards people. SO I took him out every weekend and went around home depot and the local feed stores making sure he smelled everybody and that nobody put hands on him unless he invited them. Then we did the clicker thing and gave him a little bitty treat when he greeted people appropriately. He was making HUGE progress!

    Now the icky stuff. Took him to an animal event locally and he ended up biting a person who works with dogs. (long story both of us were responsible, no hard feelings). Now, since the bite he is soooo much more afraid of strangers than he was it frightens me to take him out but he needs to socialization. Any suggestions? (putting him down is NOT an option as this has been suggested by a local dog trainer; p\*ssed me off!)

    1. You need a local behaviorist who can observe and work with the dog in person. In the meantime, keep him at home. Do not put him in a position where he can bite a stranger again. He does need socialization, but doing it inappropriately will do a lot more harm than good.

      1. Thanks for that! Have been keeping him home so he won’t be given the opportunity to bite. I will look for a behaviorist and speak with the vet to see if they know any in this area.

      2. I second this recommendation. Someone experienced with dogs who bite will be able to pick up on physical cues and perhaps other things that can only be ascertained in person. There seem to be many subtleties involved with dog bites which is probably why so many owners report that their dog just “snapped” after being surprised by a bite the dog had actually been giving them all kinds of warnings about. Please let us know how things go.

      3. I agree 100 % don’t take any chances. yup someone with experience needs to watch how you and the dog work together alone and with another controlled dog(s)

  2. As a special “Thank you” to people who adopt a shelter pet, the Animal Advocates of Carroll Co. MD, and LGC Sports Marketing, are offering a free pass to the Baltimore Football Festival to the next 25 people who adopt a pet from the Carroll Co. Humane Society. If you know people in the area, please help spread the word, as it could fast track some pets out of the shelter. The pets can be viewed here- http://www.carr.org/humane/index.htm.
    If you are on Facebook, you can help spread the word by sharing this post- https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=237603706364459&set=a.237603696364460.1073741833.186887301436100&type=1&theater
    If you “like,” share, and/or comment on the post, it will help improve it’s “reach” to help us get the word out, too. FB won’t let me “boost” the post, because there is too much text on the picture (eye roll) so your help really will be appreciated. Thanks!

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